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Customs clearance brokerage

Optimize your freight journey with Logfret's wide range of services. It's more than just goods in a box.

Customs clearance services 

  • Logfret (UK) Ltd offers a complete range of customs
    clearance services at all UK ports and Airports
  • Inland clearance in London and Birmingham
  • Discharge of T forms
  • Duty deferment
  • IPR
  • Reverse Logistics
  • Export customs clearance
  • Movement guarantee for duty-suspended goods
  • E-commerce
  • NeoLink data management linked
  • Courier discounts
  • High-value goods specialist

For more details, please call 0870 1620051


Logfret combines the expertise of experienced professionals with the benefits of digital tools to deliver a high-performance and efficient service. As freight forwarders we are always looking to reduce costs through operational efficiencies. In conjunction with our Global buying power and local knowledge, we are able to deliver our shared goals.

“We can never learn enough about your business. We are invested in finding the right solutions for you“ Tom Webb – Managing Director.